What is the difference between vegetarians and vegans?

Vegetarian and vegan are two types of diets that carry out a plant-based diet or a plant-based diet, where your plate is filled with both natural and processed plant foods. So what's the difference?


A vegetarian does not consume any animal flesh such as meat, poultry or fish. A vegan is a more strict vegetarian who also avoids consumption of milk, eggs and other ingredients of animal origin.

According to the Vegetarian Society, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish, or the by-products of animal slaughter. A vegetarian diet contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. You can still consume animal products such as milk, honey and eggs depending on the type of diet you follow.


Veganism is currently defined by the Vegan Society as a way of life that seeks to exclude as much as possible all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty. Not only animal meat, but eggs, milk and ingredients derived from animals such as:

• Jelly

• Honey

• Whey

• Casein

• Shellac

• Carmine

• Pepsin

• Some forms of vitamin D3

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On the other hand, vegans believe that animals have the right not to be used by humans, whether for food, clothing, science or entertainment. Because of this, they avoid all animal by-products, regardless of the conditions in which the animals were bred or housed.

Some very strict vegans also extend their principles to prevent the use of products that involve animals, either directly or indirectly. This product includes:

• Leather goods

• Wool

• Silk

• Beeswax

• Soaps, candles and other products containing animal fat

• Latex products containing casein

• Cosmetics that practice testing on animals.

There is also a group of people who are part-time vegetarians and are known as flexitarians. However, they are not considered to be vegetarians. Thus the difference between vegetarian and vegan diets.


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